The exhibits of the Acropolis Museum often travel in other parts of Greece and the rest of the world. Their presence in temporary exhibitions organized by the Museum or other bodies contributes in the promotion of values and ideas of Greek culture and its artistic and social achievements. Furthermore it contributes in creating relations of mutual understanding, dialogue and collaboration between different people.

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Lesvos, Papados, Vrana Olive Press Museum


The Acropolis Museum participates in the exhibition "The Olive, Οlive oil and their Contribution to Culture" with four of its artefacts: an architectural member with relief decoration of an owl, olive tree and snake (Acr. 2444), the multi-nozzle lamp (Acr. 5702), the aryballos (NA 1957 Αα 2111) and the Athenian drachm (Acropolis hoard 1886, no. 54).

Paris, France, Louvre Museum


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition «Olympism, a modern invention», with the kylix fragments of the Euergides Painter (GL II.166).

Palermo - Sicily, Archaeological Museum Antonino Salinas


The Acropolis Museum is participating in the exhibition “Sicilia//Grecia//Magna Grecia” with the relief of the “Pensive Athena” Acr. 695.

Athens, Museum of Cycladic Art


The Acropolis Museum is participating in the exhibition "Chaeronea, 2 August 338 BC: A day that changed the world" with two of its artefacts: the portrait of Alexander the Great Acr. 1331 and the bust of the poet Homer EAM 626.

China: Hunan Museum, Nanjing Museum and Beijing, Capital Museum


Hunan Museum, December 2023 - May 2024

Nanjing Museum, June 2024 - October 2024

Beijing, Capital Museum, December 2024 - May 2025

The Acropolis Museum is participating in the exhibition “The Greeks: From Agamemnon to Alexander the Great”, with four of its artefacts: the Kore statue Acr. 673; the marble capital from the inscribed base of a dedication Acr. 3761; the honorary stele for Asklepiodoros, ΕΜ 2811+7180 and the copy of Block 8 (VIII) of the Parthenon’s west frieze.

Rome, Italy, Capitoline Museums, Villa Caffarelli


The Acropolis Museum is participating in the exhibition "Phidias" with six of its artefacts: the head of a statue of General Miltiades (Acr. 2344); the head of a statue of Athena (Acr. 2338); the bronze figurine of Athena Promachos (EAM X 6452); the fragment from block 12 (XII) of the north frieze of the Parthenon (Acr. 3369) ; the fragment from block 42 (XLII) of the south frieze of the Parthenon (Acr. 1064) and a part of the inscribed stele with financial accounts for the construction of the gold and ivory statue of Athena Parthenos (EM 637).

Rome, Italy, National Etruscan Museum, Villa Giulia


The Acropolis Museum is participating in the exhibition "Spina etrusca. Un grande porto del Mediterraneo" with part of a tripod used for supporting a bronze vessel EAM X 6511.

Boston, United States of America, Museum of Fine Arts


Kore Akr. 670 statue is presented in the exhibition “Visiting masterpiece. The Acropolis Kore 670” in the Museum of Fine Arts. The exhibition was arranged by the Acropolis Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, as part of the cultural exchanges between the two institutions.

Rome, Italy, National Roman Museum


The Acropolis Museum participates with two works of art in the exhibition «L’istante e l’ eternità. Tra noi e gli antichi». The artefacts are the Kore statue Akr. 675, known as “the Kore from Chios” and the relief plaque Akr. 695, known as the “Pensive Athena”.

Toronto, Canada, Royal Ontario Museum


The Acropolis Museum participates in the presentation “From Athens to Toronto: A Greek Masterpiece Revealed”, with the Kore statue Acr. 670. The exhibition is organized by the Acropolis Museum and the Royal Ontario Museum as part of cultural exchanges between the two museums.

Palermo, Sicily, Archaeological Museum Antonino Salinas


The statue of the goddess Athena Acr. 3027 is presented at the Archaeological Museum of Antonino Salinas in Palermo, where it will remain for four years. Afterwards it will be replaced for four more years by a clay amphora. This presentation takes place as a result of the close bonds of cultural relations between the two museums, especially after the deposit of the fragment from Block VI of the Parthenon's east frieze to the Acropolis Museum for at least eight years. Read more.

Athens, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Gennadius Library, Ioannis Makriyannis Wing


The Acropolis Museum participates in the exhibition "Hippos - The Horse in Ancient Athens", with two of its artefacts: the votive relief Acr. 4688+EAM 2970 and the base of a dedication Acr. 2993.

Athens, Museum of Cycladic Art


The Acropolis Museum is participating in the exhibition “KALLOS. The Ultimate Beauty”, with five of its artefacts: the fragment of a marble metope with an erotic inscription Acr. 7530; the statue of Kore Acr. 675 ("Chiotissa"); the portrait of the Alexander the Great Acr. 1331; the head of the Kore statue Acr. 643 and the red-figure lekythos Acr. 6471.

Indianapolis, USA, Children’s Museum


The Acropolis Museum is participating in the exhibition “Ancient Greece. Life, Myth and Heroes”,with seven of its artefacts: Kore statue, Αcr. 678; bust of Plato, Μ 163; and copies of Blocks VII,VIII, IX, X, XI of the Parthenon’s west frieze.

Seoul, South Korea, Hangaram Art Museum


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “The Greeks. Agamemnon to Alexander the Great”, with two of its artefacts: Kore statue, Acr. 673 and a portion of an honorary stele for Asklepiodoros, ΕΜ 2811 and 7180.

Athens, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Gennadius Library, Ioannis Makriyannis Wing


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “Acropolis Redux: Caryatid /Frieze”, with its fragment of the Parthenon’s frieze, S 1776.

Beijing, China, National Museum of China


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “The Joint Exhibition of Asian Civilization”,with its portrait of Alexander the Great, Acr. 1331.

Vilnius, Lithuania, Palace of the Grand Dukes


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “The Aristotle of the Acropolis Museum”, with its marble portrait bust of Aristotle, ΝΜΑ 5053. The event was organized by the Acropolis Museum, the National Museum of Lithuania and the Embassy of Greece in Vilnius.

Münster, Germany, Archaeological Museum of the University of Münster


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “Peace. From Antiquity to the Present Day”, with its inscribed stele bearing official decrees for the Samians, Acr. 1333.

Shanghai, China, Shanghai Museum


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “Treasures of the Acropolis Museum”, with two of its artefacts: Kore statue, Acr. 670 and the cover of a red-figure lekanis, ΝΑ 1956 ΝΑΚ 232. The exhibition was organized by the Acropolis Museum and the Shanghai Museum.

Athens Museum of Cycladic Art


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “Money. Tangible Symbols in Ancient Greece”, with two of its artefacts: the relief sculpture depicting the state trireme Paralos, Acr. 1339; and the bronze lamp in the form of a warship, ΕΑΜ X 7038.

New York, NY, USA, Alexander S. Onassis Cultural Foundation


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “A World of Emotions: Ancient Greece, 700 BC-200 AD”, with three of its artefacts: Kore statue, Acr. 670; the “Relief of the Cart Driver”, EAM 1341; and the Ceramic Antefix with a Gorgon Head, Αcr. 78.

Athens, Technopolis, City of Athens


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “GR80s. Greece of the 1980s”, with its copy of the Parthenon’s west frieze (1:20 scale).

Moscow, Russia, State Historical Museum


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece”, with four of its artefacts: “The Relief of Pensive Athena”, Acr. 695; the bronze figurine of Athena Promachos, ΕΑΜ Χ 6447; the relief plaque depicting Athena mounting a chariot, Αcr. 12981; and the cover of a red-figure lekanis, ΝΑ 1956 ΝΑΚ 232.

Athens, National Archaeological Museum


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “Odysseys”, with three of its artefacts: the bronze lamp in the form of a warship, ΕΑΜ X 7038; the “Boy with a Dolphin” figurine from the decoration of a bronze vessel, EAM X 6626; and the inscribed stele with decrees for the temple of Athena Nike, ΕΜ 8116.



Tokyo, National Museum, 21 June-19 September, 2016

Nagasaki, Nagasaki Prefectural Museum of Art, 8 October-4 December, 2016

Kobe, Kobe City Museum, 17 December, 2016-20 March, 2017

The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “A Journey to the Lands of Immortals”, with four of its artefacts: the relief sculpture depicting the state trireme Paralos, Acr. 1339; Kore statue, Acr. 678; and the busts of Aristotle, ΝΜΑ 5053, and Alexander the Great, Acr. 1331.

St Petersburg, Russia, The State Hermitage Museum


The Acropolis Museum participated in the presentation “Exhibition of a Masterpiece from the Acropolis Museum”, with its Kore statue, Acr. 670. The exhibition was organized by the Acropolis Museum and the State Hermitage Museum, within the framework of the Greek-Russian Year 2016”.

Rome, Italy, Roman National Museum, Palazzo Altemps


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “La Forza delle Rovine”, with its Kore statue, Acr. 602.

Athens, Numismatic Museum


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “Whence Silver was Born. The Ancient Coinage of Athens. Mines, Metals and Coins”, with its Acropolis Treasure, a hoard of 62 silver Athenian coins of the Archaic era.

Rome, Italy, Capitoline Museums


The Acropolis Museum participated in the exhibition “The Age of Anxiety”, with the marble portrait of a priest, Αcr. 1353.

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